Phantoms Forum

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ezibito 12-12-2009 05:07 AM

hi recruits
hi too all recruits i started this forum so can comunicate with u all in ways we can help u and u can help us. and how u all can make gold at low lvls and after. my first advice to u all is get together in game and make groups to work together this game was built for group play everything much easier in a group.
best configaration of group for pvm is tank fighter assasin and healer that will become buffer with lvls too. mages help too but mostly at higher lvls and at pvp even more at lower lvls. so i suggest u use this forum to get to know each other and try to form groups to work together.
if any of u require buffs we got a alt stationed in ark inn Medic if he is ever on look for him there or whisper him. if he aint on can whisper me or any other phant and if we can we will get on him. any phant that has buffs and not busy will buff u if u see him and ask him.
if any of u gt any problems and questions please contact me or sponser in game. main idea of ths forum and sponsershio is to help u guys in game which in turn helps us so feel free to tal kto sponsors or me. dont worry if we busy we will say so

ContractKiller 12-12-2009 04:20 PM

hello all !

I'll be first to say we're happy to be your mentors in the world of DS! This being said, we strive to be true mentors of our pupils and so any time you have a question, need advice, or need help (we wont powerlevel you or give you free money, we're teachers, not babysitters) just ask ANY Phantom member online. Pending that we have the time available, we'll answer any question you have and most of us will be more than happy to give you build/guild advice.

Remember we all started out at level 0, and given the friendships, time spent online, loyalty, and all out brawling for our position in the DS world, we all strive to be the very best players on the EU server. You've made a great choice in picking who shall be your guide in this adventure, so we'll do our best to prove you've made the right decision.

- CK

BreathOfWinter 01-13-2010 08:25 AM

Hi to all the other recruits and our teachers.
I want to thank you guys for letting both my mage and sin in for now. I just cant pick between them yet, I hope mage will be awesome later but now it's very sad.

just want to let the other "mini-phants" know my toons are available for drop parties(farming granite/gems and parts for brewing). I also have make normal grind/cats if you have ingredients you can borrow, many charges left on all of them.

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